Applications for Semester 1 2025 are now closed. Express your interest for the next round here.

World Food Forum
October 2025 | Rome, Italy
The world currently produces enough food to feed everyone, but in 2023, around 738 million chronically malnourished people went hungry. To provide fresh impetus for a transformed global food system, the United Nations (UN) launched the World Food Forum (WFF) in 2021.
As a youth-led initiative organised by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the Forum brings together the next generation of students, farmers, scientists and entrepreneurs to discuss and enact change – from the global to the local level. Participants attend workshops, events and roundtable discussions where they can foster connections, engage with industry leaders and gain the tools necessary to address today’s challenges on food insecurity and climate change.
The WFF serves as the premier global forum to harness the passion and power of youth to identify solutions and incite positive action for agrifood systems. It aligns with the 2021 United Nations (UN) Food Systems Summit, acts as a major youth platform in global food governance, and serves as a global think tank that fosters youth-led solutions in innovation, science and technology. The WFF aims to support and grow youth initiatives in the agrifood sector in line with global youth policy recommendations.
The World Food Forum (WFF) was launched in 2021 by the Youth Committee of the the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as an independent network of partners. Hosted within FAO, it serves as the premier global platform to actively shape agrifood systems for a better food future, accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through youth action, science and innovation, and investment, the WFF forges new paths of action and multi-sector partnerships for agrifood impact at the local, regional and global levels to achieve a more sustainable, resilient, inclusive and hunger-free food future for all.
To be eligible to apply, you must:
Be aged 18 - 30 for the full duration of the program
Be available for pre-departure training in Canberra (dates listed in the application form)
Be available and able to travel for the full duration of the international delegation you are applying for
Have the ability to commit at least 5 hours per week to the fellowship program
Currently, hold or can obtain a passport well before your delegation's dates and will be valid for at least 6 months after the end of your delegation
Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
Live in Australia for the full duration of the program.
​We are looking for delegates that have:
Personal and/or professional interest in the delegation's purpose and issues
Unique and relevant experience, showing a commitment to the fellowship requirements
Potential to gain professionally and personally from the experience
Intention to contribute meaningfully to the fellowship and their communities following the fellowship
A relevant, considered and quality policy proposal
You do NOT have to have prior experience in the theme of the delegation you are applying for. Grades are NOT considered as part of the application process.